Institute of Physics


AV Design and Software Development


18 months


The client 

The Institute of Physics

The Institute of Physics (IOP) is a world-leading, international scientific society with over 50,000 members. Covering 26,000sqft, the building provides accessible education and exhibition facilities for the local community and schools, alongside function and start-up incubator space, and offices to support the operation of the headquarters.


The brief 

Ensure that the IoP was obtaining the best value

Recursive were appointed directly by the IoP to review existing AV and IT designs for the IoP’s new building which had been put together by the client’s incumbent contractor. We were initially appointed to perform a peer review of the designs in order to ensure that the IoP was obtaining the best value and appropriate technology for their anticipated use cases, however this quickly developed into a new design process.



The challenge 

Working closely with staff and scientists

After carrying out a review of an existing design it was clear that the systems being proposed, whilst technically operational, had missed a number of key elements which the client had requested and was also below their expectations in terms of their place in the Institute community. We rapidly worked through a new concept design and presented this back to the IOP team, winning their approval to take this through all of the remaining design stages to installation and commissioning. In addition to the AV and IT design and consultancy we offered, Recursive were also appointed to create the interactive content for the large video wall at the reception area. Working closely with staff and scientists, we developed the concept of a space-time grid effect. Visitors take the place of black holes, their ‘gravitational pull’ distorting the grid.



The Outcome 

Everything the IoP needs

The new IoP building in King’s Cross is now a space which incorporates everything the IoP needs from the state of the art venue facilities, modern conference facilities to staff areas and public areas and even a digital gallery space.